
xdg-open on Ubuntu 22.04 refuses to open links

Sytten opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there!
I am scratching my head real hard on this one.
When I try to execute xdg-open (which in turns executes gio) in Ubuntu 22.04 using an URL it always return the error:

cannot open path of the current working directory: Permission denied

It doesn't do this on Ubuntu 20.04. It also doesn't do it for file paths.
I tried a bunch of ideas from #124 but they don't seem to help.
I figured I would open an issue since it likely affects of programs and I could not find anything about that issue elsewhere.

Ok so I continued to dig into it.
It turns out it tries to open firefox in the current directory which is something like /tmp/.mount_caido_WtV9g9/usr in my case.
But firefox fails to open in that mount directory, so if you cd $HOME before it works.
I have no idea why this is a problem in Ubuntu 22.04 and not in early versions...

Sounds like something that would need to be addressed in xdg-open?

I don't know, I guess so. I just find it weird that I could not find anything on the internet about that. I dont think there is anything actionable from appimage.