
How to make systemd launch appimaged?

P4prik4 opened this issue · 3 comments

debian instruction not working. does one install node.js and pm2
and use pm2 startup ubuntu instead?

Can it be you are in the totally wrong project? appimaged has nothing to do with node.js.

no im just not at all computer savy (hence why i like prefer using app images) and was looking at guides to make systemctl work in ubuntu since the command is in the install guide for debian based.
anyways search engines pointed to pm2.
thats what little i know

i'm using this instead:

git clone --recursive
cd appimaged/
mkdir build/
cd build/
cmake ..

seems to work, from hear how do I launch the application?

chmod +x ./appimaged-x86_64.AppImage
./appimaged-x86_64.AppImage --install

Then log out and log in again (or reboot).