
Specific build for package

vitor251093 opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to create an AppImage for Wine, for I'm having trouble with setting the Wine build.

When creating an AppImage with "winehq-stable" in the packages list, it will install the 2.0.2 version. If I use "winehq-stable=6.0.4~buster" instead, Wine won't be installed. If I replace "winehq-stable=6.0.4~buster" with "winehq-stable 6.0.4~buster", it installs winehq-stable 2.0.2 instead. How can I specify which package build do I want to install?

Here is a sample of the YML file:

app: Wine
binpatch: true
  dist: buster
    - winehq-stable=6.0.4~buster
    - bash
    - cabextract
    - dash
    - perl
    - coreutils
    - mesa-utils
    - unionfs-fuse
    - deb buster main contrib non-free
    - deb buster main
  - cat > ./usr/bin/winewrapper << 'EOF'
  - #!/bin/bash
  - # WINE env
  - export WINEPREFIX=${WINEPREFIX:-"$HOME/.wine-appimage"}
  - export WINEDEBUG=${WINEDEBUG:-"fixme-all"}
  - # DXVK env
  - export DXVK_HUD=${DXVK_HUD:-"0"}
  - export DXVK_LOG_LEVEL=${DXVK_LOG_LEVEL:-"none"}
  - export DXVK_CONFIG_FILE=${DXVK_CONFIG_FILE:-"$progHome/dxvk.conf"}
  - # check gpu vendor
  - VENDOR=$(glxinfo -B | grep "OpenGL vendor")
  - if [[ $VENDOR == *"Intel"* ]]; then
  -   export VK_ICD_FILENAMES="/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.i686.json:/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json"
  - elif [[ $VENDOR == *"NVIDIA"* ]]; then
  -   export VK_ICD_FILENAMES="/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json"
  - elif [[ $VENDOR == *"Radeon"* ]]; then
  -   export VK_ICD_FILENAMES="/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.i686.json:/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json"
  - fi
  - # Load winecfg if no arguments given
  - if [ -z "$*" ] ; then
  -   APPLICATION="winecfg"
  - fi
  - # Allow the AppImage to be symlinked to e.g., /usr/bin/wineserver
  - if [ -n "$APPIMAGE" ] ; then
  -   BINARY_NAME=$(basename "$ARGV0")
  - else
  -   BINARY_NAME=$(basename "$0")
  - fi
  - if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -e "$APPDIR/bin/$1" ] ; then
  -   MAIN="$APPDIR/bin/$1" ; shift
  - elif [ -n "$1" ] && [ -e "$APPDIR/usr/bin/$1" ] ; then
  -   MAIN="$APPDIR/usr/bin/$1" ; shift
  - elif [ -e "$APPDIR/bin/$BINARY_NAME" ] ; then
  - elif [ -e "$APPDIR/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME" ] ; then
  -   MAIN="$APPDIR/usr/bin/$BINARY_NAME"
  - else
  -   MAIN="$APPDIR/usr/bin/wine"
  - fi
  - if [ -z "$APPLICATION" ] ; then
  - "$MAIN" "$@" | cat
  - else
  - "$MAIN" "$APPLICATION" | cat
  - fi  
  - EOF
  - chmod +x ./usr/bin/winewrapper
  - wget -q "" -P ./bin && chmod +x ./bin/winetricks
  - wget -N
  - sed -i -e 's|Icon=wine.*|Icon=/usr/share/icons/wine.svg|g' wine.desktop
  - sed -i -e 's|Name=Wine.*|Name=Wine|g' wine.desktop
  - sed -i -e '/Name\[.*/d' wine.desktop
  - sed -i -e 's|Exec=wine.*|Exec=winewrapper|g' wine.desktop
  - echo 'Categories=Utility;Settings;' >> wine.desktop
  - mkdir -p ./usr/share/applications/
  - rm ./usr/share/applications/wine.desktop || true
  - cp ./wine.desktop ./usr/share/applications/wine.desktop
  - mkdir -p usr/share/icons
  - wget -N
  - cp wine.svg usr/share/icons
  - wget -q "" -P ./winedata/resources/themes/light

Please check out This task is too complex for pkg2appimage.

I'm not asking for a Wine AppImage. I'm working on it. I tried to build an AppImage using that project you mentioned, but it didn't work.

What I'm asking for is for a method to install a package with an specific version/build. Is that really too complex for pkg2appimage?

Just checked pkg2appimage source. It seems that, in order to have version support, the function would need to be updated accordingly. Otherwise, it will only consider the package name, but not the package version. Is that right?

Packaging WINE is too complex for pkg2appimage. Trust me. I've been there.

I've managed to package Wine with pkg2appimage with ease, but I had to do some improvements in pkg2appimage to do do, so it could download packages at specific versions. I will submit a pull request later.

In the meanwhile, you can check the result yourself:

If you have NodeJS installed that should be enough to try the build.js script. Downloading pkg2appimage isn't a requirement right now because, in order to test my changes, I've added it inside the project temporarily.