
Add TypeScript support

codeAbinash opened this issue · 5 comments

Add TypeScript support
gfaraj commented

Please add this!


It was long due, but we've finally released the TypeScript version.

@alhiwatan Thanks for adding types!

I ran into some issues though, in that I'm getting type errors when running tsc on my project. Here is the output I'm getting using TypeScript v5.2.2:

$ tsc --noEmit
../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/AdView.tsx:247:13 - error TS2322: Type '{ children?: React.ReactNode; hitSlop?: Insets | undefined; id?: string | undefined; onLayout?: ((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void) | undefined; ... 78 more ...; accessibilityLanguage?: string | undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'StyleProp<ViewStyle>'.
  Type '{ children?: React.ReactNode; hitSlop?: Insets | undefined; id?: string | undefined; onLayout?: ((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void) | undefined; ... 78 more ...; accessibilityLanguage?: string | undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.

247             style={{ ...(style as ViewProps), ...dimensions }}

    234   style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle> | undefined;
    The expected type comes from property 'style' which is declared here on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes<Component<AdProps & { adFormat: AdFormat; adaptiveBannerEnabled?: boolean | undefined; autoRefresh?: boolean | undefined; onAdExpanded?: ((adInfo: AdInfo) => void) | undefined; onAdCollapsed?: ((adInfo: AdInfo) => void) | undefined; } & ViewProps & AdViewNativeEvents, {...'

../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/TargetingData.ts:60:9 - error TS2380: The return type of a 'get' accessor must be assignable to its 'set' accessor type

60     get yearOfBirth(): Promise<number> {

../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/TargetingData.ts:79:9 - error TS2380: The return type of a 'get' accessor must be assignable to its 'set' accessor type

79     get gender(): Promise<UserGender> {

../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/TargetingData.ts:100:9 - error TS2380: The return type of a 'get' accessor must be assignable to its 'set' accessor type

100     get maximumAdContentRating(): Promise<AdContentRating> {

../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/TargetingData.ts:116:9 - error TS2380: The return type of a 'get' accessor must be assignable to its 'set' accessor type

116     get email(): Promise<string | null> {

../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/TargetingData.ts:130:9 - error TS2380: The return type of a 'get' accessor must be assignable to its 'set' accessor type

130     get phoneNumber(): Promise<string | null> {

../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/TargetingData.ts:144:9 - error TS2380: The return type of a 'get' accessor must be assignable to its 'set' accessor type
  Type 'Promise<string[] | null>' is missing the following properties from type 'string[]': length, pop, push, concat, and 29 more.

144     get keywords(): Promise<string[] | null> {

../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/TargetingData.ts:158:9 - error TS2380: The return type of a 'get' accessor must be assignable to its 'set' accessor type

158     get interests(): Promise<string[] | null> {

Found 8 errors in 2 files.

Errors  Files
     1  ../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/AdView.tsx:247
     7  ../../node_modules/react-native-applovin-max/src/TargetingData.ts:60

Are you able to build the typescript into *.js files, with the corresponding *.d.ts declaration files? I think that would resolve the issue.

@padge, thanks for reporting the issues. Would you mind trying this out? I can't reproduce the issues, but I think this is what causes them.

diff --git a/src/AdView.tsx b/src/AdView.tsx
index 1a031ec..21b014e 100644
--- a/src/AdView.tsx
+++ b/src/AdView.tsx
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ export const AdView = ({
-            style={{ ...(style as ViewProps), ...dimensions }}
+            style={Object.assign({}, style, dimensions)}
diff --git a/src/TargetingData.ts b/src/TargetingData.ts
index d5a58f6..1c2963d 100644
--- a/src/TargetingData.ts
+++ b/src/TargetingData.ts
@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ export const TargetingData = {
      *  Sets the year of birth of the user.  Sets 0 to clear this value.
-    set yearOfBirth(value: number) {
+    set yearOfBirth(value: number | Promise<number>) {
      *  Gets the year of birth of the user.
-    get yearOfBirth(): Promise<number> {
+    get yearOfBirth(): number | Promise<number> {
         return nativeMethods.getTargetingDataYearOfBirth();
      * Sets the gender of the user.  Sets {UserGender.Unknown} to clear this value.
-    set gender(value: UserGender) {
+    set gender(value: UserGender | Promise<UserGender> ) {
         if (value === UserGender.Unknown ||
             value === UserGender.Female ||
             value === UserGender.Male ||
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ export const TargetingData = {
      * Gets the gender of the user.
-    get gender(): Promise<UserGender> {
+    get gender(): UserGender | Promise<UserGender> {
         return nativeMethods.getTargetingDataGender().then((value: string) => {
             return value as UserGender;
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ export const TargetingData = {
      * Sets the maximum ad content rating shown to the user.  Sets {AdContentRating.None} to clear this value.
-    set maximumAdContentRating(value: AdContentRating) {
+    set maximumAdContentRating(value: AdContentRating | Promise<AdContentRating> ) {
         if (value === AdContentRating.None ||
             value === AdContentRating.AllAudiences ||
             value === AdContentRating.EveryoneOverTwelve ||
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export const TargetingData = {
      * Gets the maximum ad content rating shown to the user.
-    get maximumAdContentRating(): Promise<AdContentRating> {
+    get maximumAdContentRating(): AdContentRating | Promise<AdContentRating> {
         return nativeMethods.getTargetingDataMaximumAdContentRating().then((value: number) => {
             return value as AdContentRating;
@@ -106,56 +106,56 @@ export const TargetingData = {
      * Sets the email of the user.  Sets null to clear this value.
-    set email(value: string | null) {
+    set email(value: string | null | Promise<string | null> ) {
      * Gets the email of the user.
-    get email(): Promise<string | null> {
+    get email(): string | null | Promise<string | null> {
         return nativeMethods.getTargetingDataEmail();
      * Sets the phone number of the user.  Sets null to clear this value.
-    set phoneNumber(value: string | null) {
+    set phoneNumber(value: string | null | Promise<string | null> ) {
      * Gets the phone number of the user.
-    get phoneNumber(): Promise<string | null> {
+    get phoneNumber(): string | null | Promise<string | null> {
         return nativeMethods.getTargetingDataPhoneNumber();
      * Sets the keywords describing the application.  Sets null to clear this value.
-    set keywords(value: string[] | null) {
+    set keywords(value: string[] | null | Promise<string[] | null> ) {
      * Gets the keywords describing the application.
-    get keywords(): Promise<string[] | null> {
+    get keywords(): string[] | null | Promise<string[] | null> {
         return nativeMethods.getTargetingDataKeywords();
      * Sets the interests of the user.  Sets null to clear this value.
-    set interests(value: string[] | null) {
+    set interests(value: string[] | null | Promise<string[] | null> ) {
      * Gets the interests of the user.
-    get interests(): Promise<string[] | null> {
+    get interests(): string[] | null | Promise<string[] | null> {
         return nativeMethods.getTargetingDataInterests();
