
App Outlet doesn't show any flatpak

Master811129 opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
I have AppImage and flatpak on my system but not snap.
so why does the app just show AppImages?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'app outlet without snapd'
  2. Click on 'Take me to the app'
  3. Scroll down to 'proceed anyway'
  4. See problem

Expected behavior
App Outlet should show up both appimages and flatpaks.

Screenshot from 2021-07-31 23-49-20

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Manjaro Linux

  • App Outlet version: 2.0.2

This seems like an important bug. I also downloaded the AppImage and tried to use app outlet with Flatpak only (as describe in the bug report): I only get snap packages when I search!

Any idea what causes this? Is there a workaround? Currently app outlet is unusable for flatpak users.

+1 here
Just the same problem with missing Flatpaks using App.Outlet-2.0.2_53e93f8ffd0731d543a1bcb469135581.appimage

+1 here
using both the .deb and the appimage 2.02
It is clearly a regression from 1.3.2 . I downloaded the old version and it shows perfectly all 3 repo's (Appimage, Flat and Snap)

The version v2.0.3 was released. Could you please take a look and see if the problem was resolved?

I've installed version 2.1.0. This one greeted me with a dialogue showing that "snapd" is missing but "flatpak" is working. I proceeded with flatpak only (I do NOT have snap installed).

The problem persists (I only see snap packages, I do not see any flatpak packages)....

I tried it again, no the issue is still there. It can detect Flatpak and shows it in the menu that shows up when you use the app for the first time. but it doesn't pull any flatpacks from flathub...