
Slow economy response with towny

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm using towny version and saneconomy version 0.13.1-SNAPSHOT, and I'm noticing very slow responses, especially on towny's new days (where it collects taxes, once every 24 hours)

Here's my config file:

  type: MySQL
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  database: ***
  username: ***
  password: ***
    singular: '&7dollar'
    plural: '&7dollars'
  balance-format: '{1} {2}'
  format: '0.00'
  grouping: 3
  grouping-separator: ','
  prefix: '&fEco &8&l>> &7'
  start-balance: 100.0
  notify-start-balance: false
  server-account: $SERVER$
locale-override: false
debug: false

Hmm, that's a bit weird... Define slow responses? All responses should be basically instant, because I cache everything and writes to the database are async. How many active players does your server have per day?

Not many (under 20 peak), and there's only around 30 towns total.

Every new day, if towny taxes are set to be collected, the server freezes for a good 15 seconds to collect taxes from residents and towns.