

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I am not sure that it is the place for such reports, but anyway.

Page 162:

Listing 6-34. Simplifying the Code in the ShopConnector.js File in the src/connectors Folder

should be

Listing 6-34. Simplifying the Code in the ShopConnector.js File in the src/shop Folder

Page 604, Listing 21-10:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Link, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import { ProductDisplay } from "./ProductDisplay";
import { SupplierDisplay } from "./SupplierDisplay";

In second like Switch should be bold as well as line 3 and 4

Page 604:

Each Route component assesses its path prop independently; this can be useful but isn’t ideal if you want
just one component to be display based n the current URL. For these situations, the Redux-Router package
provides the Switch component, which acts as a wrapper around multiple Route components, queries them
in order, and displays the content rendered by the first one to match the current URL. Listing 21-10 shows
the use of the Switch component.

Redux-Router is incorrect, should be react-router-dom

Page 323 first paragraph, second line....
I think that where appears
...and then the message body....
should be
...and then the method body...