
[Bug] Command to install in Windows 10 not working

ChocolateLoverRaj opened this issue · 4 comments

Your environment

  • OS version: Windows 10
  • Node.js version: N/A
  • LLVM version: 13.0.1

Describe the bug
I ran this command, after doing the first few steps in the wiki:

CMake Error: The source directory "C:/LLVM" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.

I think I need to cd to a specific dir first.

Expected behavior
Not CMake error.

The reason you are getting error is because you are not in the correct folder.

You should first create a new folder named build under the source directory.

Then, enter the build directory and execute


@ApsarasX Actually I did the first step wrong. Instead of downloading the file the wiki says I cloned the llvm git repo. I will try with the tar.xz file, which has cmake lists.

I see, you cloned llvm-project, which is a monorepo that contains llvm and other stuff.

Actually, the LLVM I'm referring to is https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/tree/main/llvm, which is just a subfolder of llvm-project.

I followed the steps and it works 👍