
DIY Makecode Arcade console with Rp2040 Pico


DIY Makecode Arcade board with RP2040 Pico

Here is what I got after playing Pico with Arcade for a few days. Hope this helped.

st7735 9341spi

Good news:

  • work with both Pico & PicoW
  • works well with screen(ST7735 160x128) & btn & speaker
  • bootloader in rom, very very safe
  • UF2 format supported by bootloader naturally !!! Not require compile bootloader anymore! 😛
  • Pico is faster, and very cheap about 1.5~4$
  • can work with 9341(320x240) in spi mode (with a little laggy)

Bad news: (my test result)

  • CFG_PIN_LED can’t sign to on-board led on PicoW, cause it not be driven by any GPIO directly.
  • botton pins need pull-up for steady
  • no parallel solution yet, can’t setup parallel screen (bigger screen eg: 9341 )
  • WebApp don’t support, device appeared but panic(050) when download directly.
  • enter MSD mode first every time to upload game ( holding bootsel btn and re-plug usb cable of Pico)
  • can’t transfer serial msg via console.log()
  • pin.analogRead() always return 0, whatever the pin config I set.

How to do:

Pins connection in this version:

pin  6 : MENU
pin 10 : LEFT
pin 11 : RIGHT
pin 12 : UP
pin 13 : DOWN
pin 14 : A
pin 15 : B

Screen - ST7735
pin 16 : MISO (optional)
pin 17 : CS (or directly to GND)
pin 18 : SCK
pin 19 : MOSI
pin 20 : DC
pin 21 : RST
pin 22 : BL (or directly to 3v3)

pin 7 (and a GND)

Other settings(GPIOs, I2C, SPI, etc) will be added later, I will share here also when updated.

Further more:

Go https://microsoft.github.io/uf2/patcher/ , to add or edit settings for your board.