
a09 won't take OPT without leading tab

raybellis opened this issue · 5 comments

I tried to use insert in f9dasm to include the OPT H03 directive so that I don't need to specify it on the command line.

a09 then reports this:

lo.asm(211) : error 16: Illegal mnemonic in "OPT H03"

If I manually insert a leading tab the OPT directive works correctly.

There doesn't seem to be a way to add the leading tab in the f9dasm info syntax, even though the manual says "insert any assembler statement or pseudo-op".

I can work around this, of course (by using the command line option).

The other work around I just realised is to add a label to the include line in my .info file:


(curiously, using 0x0000 makes f9adsm put these lines before the "used labels" table, but doesn't increase the size of the binary, with its first ORG directive specifying a start address of 0x8000).

I'd normally add things like that (with leading blanks) by putting lines of the form
insert 0 \ OPT H03
(i.e., backslash + as many blanks as you want) into the info file. Backslash+tab should work as well.

Thanks - that works :)

Next version of f9dasm will have a (hopefully) clarifying note in f9dasm.htm:

Note: wherever text requires leading blanks or tabs, it isn't possible to simply put them into the instruction, as f9dasm would discard them. For these cases, simply prepend a '\' (backslash) to the text, like, for example, in
insert 0 \ OPT H63
so that f9dasm knows where text really starts. Despite the similarity, f9dasm doesn't know the range of "C" escape characters; a '\' simply means "Ignore this backslash, but make sure the next character is part of the text". If you need to have a * as part of the text, it is mandatory to write it as \*; f9dasm would otherwise assume the line ends at the *, which starts the comment part.

I'm having some odd issues with the backslash which I'll add to the f9dasm project