
Add shuriken variants

Arcanorum opened this issue · 2 comments

Task description

There is currently only 1 type of shuriken in the game, just called "Shuriken".
This weapon is crafted from iron bars, which implicitly makes it part of the iron tier of weapons, even though there are no shurikens made of other metal types.

The current shuriken should be renamed to "Iron shruiken" and new shurken items should be added for dungium, agonite and noctis metal tiers.


New assets should be drawn using the dungeonz colour palette:

Adding new item guide:
Item configs:
Projectile configs:
Crafting recipe configs:

Acceptance criteria

  • Rename the "Shuriken" item to "Iron shuriken".
  • Rename the "Shuriken" projectile to "IronShuriken".
  • Add a "DungiumShuriken" projectile type config.
  • Add a "AgoniteShuriken" projectile type config.
  • Add a "NoctisShuriken" projectile type config.
  • Add a dungium shuriken item config.
  • Add a agonite shuriken item config.
  • Add a noctis shuriken item config.
  • Add a dungium shuriken crafting recipe config.
  • Add a agonite shuriken crafting recipe config.
  • Add a noctis shuriken crafting recipe config.
  • Add dungium shuriken client assets for GUI icon, pickup, and projectile.
  • Add agonite shuriken client assets for GUI icon, pickup, and projectile.
  • Add noctis shuriken client assets for GUI icon, pickup, and projectile.

This would need a huge nerf on iron shurikens, cuz it does the same damage as a noctis arrow rn

Maybe not a huge one, as they have much shorter range.