
Safe zone icon

Arcanorum opened this issue · 0 comments

Task description

Currently there is no easy way to distinguish between whether a location is a safe zone or not (such as banks).

A "safe zone" is any tile where a player standing on it cannot be damaged by another player, or by a mob while inactive.

An icon should be added that shows the player when they are on a "safe zone" tile.


Example PvP disabled icon:
Though this could be something else that matches the style of the GUI icons.

Data may need adding for the safe zone flag for each tile that it is active on. This happens during the server startup procedure where it creates the map data files that the client needs.

Board tile safe zone flag:
Need something like this logic to get the safeZone flag and add it to the client data in Board.createClientBoardData:

Acceptance criteria

  • When a player moves onto a tile that has the safe zone flag enabled, a halo icon (or other) icon should appear.
  • When a player moves onto a tile that does not have the safe zone flag enabled, the halo icon should be hidden.
  • When the icon is hovered over with the cursor, it should show a tooltip message of "Safe zone. Damage from other players is disabled and creatures cannot damage you while you are inactive."