
Chat box should remember the selected chat scope in the ALL channel

Arcanorum opened this issue · 0 comments

Task description

When switching the focused chat channel in the chat box, the selected chat scope also changes. This is intended when switching to a specific channel, but when switching back to the ALL channel (all messages from all channels should be shown) the selected chat scope is still what it was set to from the previous channel.

The chat scope is the type of message that will be sent, i.e. Local, Global, Trade, etc. which show up differently in the chat box.

It would be more convenient if the chat scope in ALL was tracked independently, so a user can go back to the ALL channel and their chat scope would be set back to what it was the last time they has the ALL channel selected.



Acceptance criteria

  • When the user changes the selected chat scope in the ALL channel, the scope should be stored.
  • When the user switches to another channel and then switches back to the ALL channel, the stored chat scope should become the selected scope.