
[WIP] Guild bases

Closed this issue · 1 comments


  • Other

Feature description

As part of #144, player made guild bases should be added, to give players in a guild a place to call home.

These would be special maps that are like sub-sections of the main overworld that players can build guild structures inside of.
The entrances to these maps would be portals around the overworld that any player can enter through to reach the map.

No mobs would spawn in these guild maps.
Each guild map would have its own core geographic layout and natural features, and some resource nodes, depending on location relative to the overworld portal.

The guild base would serve various functions for the guild, allowing them to craft structures that can then be placed down with the base map they have claimed, giving them easier access to many facilities.

Guild structures can only be placed by a member of the guild that owns the base map
Guild structures can be placed down anywhere by any member of the guild that owns the base map
Guild structures cannot be placed outside of the guild base map. i.e. on the overworld/in a dungeon



Wood wall

A basic obstacle to deny access to an area.

Metal wall

Like a wood wall but stronger.

Wood door

Like any door around the game world. Can be opened to move through. Blocks projectiles.

Metal door

Like the wood door, but stronger.

Locked wood door

A door that can only be opened when the correct code is entered. When placed, it starts with no code set. The first person to interact with it is able to set the code. When unlocked, it can be interacted with to set a new code.

Locked metal door

Like the locked wood door, but stronger.

Summoner (?)

Allow recruiting NPC mobs that the guild has unlocked.


Allows players to convert their glory into power for the guild. While a generator is active, prevents all other base structures from being damaged (generators are not protected and can still be damaged/destroyed). Any damage taken by structures is taken from the guild's stored power instead.



Access to a player's personal bank. Can be used by anyone.


A shared storage space that any player can access. Can be used by anyone. Place behind a locked door for access control.

Crafting stations

All of the basic crafting stations can be added to a base. Can be used by anyone.

NPC merchants

Various kinds of merchants that players can buy items from. Can be used by anyone.



Bought from a Ruler NPC merchant. Allows players to join the guild. Allows guild members to craft base structures like a crafting station.


Allows guild members to respawn at the guild base. Adds another spawn option to the respawn panel while they are dead.


Allows players to change their display name. Can be used by anyone.

Embroidery stand

Allows any guild member to change the guild banner. Can only be used by guild members.


Increases the max level of a guild stat. There would be a bookshelf type for each stat.

Wind altar

Allows converting gems to wind gems.

Fire altar

Allows converting gems to fire gems.

Blood altar

Allows converting gems to blood gems.


The state of the guild base will need to be saved to the database ever time a structure is added or removed.

From further analysis and feedback, some problems with guild bases seem like they might be present:

  • Bases can get raided by other players when there is nobody around to defend it (i.e. in the middle of the night). Mobs (even if massively buffed) can be easily tricked into being lured away or killed with certain cheese tactics.
  • Bases can get griefed quite easily using low tier items to be annoying, without any major risk or investment from the attacker.
  • Guilds with fewer members would be at a huge disadvantage vs any larger guild if there were a limited number of maps for guild bases.

Alternate idea for how guild bases could work:

  • Guild base maps become instanced. Each base map portal around the overworld would show a list of all of the guilds with a base in an instance of that map (like how you can see a list of parties in the dungeon panel).
  • Anyone can enter the base of any guild at that location from that portal interface as a guest, but cannot attack things there.
  • Anyone can choose to raid a base by paying a large amount of glory (e.g. 5,000+) to enter the base with the ability to attack things.
  • Something like an "opening hours" mechanic could be added that the guild could set which would prevent the base from being raided outside of that time window.