
Kingdom - non PvP clan

LiamKenneth opened this issue · 0 comments

The following commands are available to all Kingdom Leaders.

Krank - Sets recruiter status for a member of the Kingdom.
Syntax: Krank (character) kingdomname_rec

Krenegade - Removes a person from the kingdom displaying a global echo.
Syntax: Krenegade (character)

Banish - Removes a person from the kingdom without a global echo.
Syntax: krank (character) (Kingdom)_banish

Guild - Allows entry into the kingdom by a recruiter for a member outside of
the kingdom.
Syntax: Guild (character)
Note: The character wishing to be guilded must first INVITE the recruiter.

Setextrastatus - Honors the extradition of WANTED characters in the target
kingdom. Characters wanted by the selected kingdom will also be wanted
within the kingdom adopting this command.
Syntax: setextrastatus (targetkingdom)

Note: Type extrastatus (kingdom) to see the full list of a kingdoms
current extradition status.

Toggleooc - Toggles on and off the OOC Kingdom channel.
Syntax: Toggleooc

Kmotd - Shows the currently posted Kingdom Message Of The Day.
Syntax: KMOTD

Kmotd edit- Allows for changes made to the Kingdom Message Of The Day.
Editing may be done as one would with a note.
Syntax: KMOTD edit

Settax - Sets the tax rate of a kingdom which collects a percentage of
monetary gains made within, including sales, vendor and merchant district
purchases and quest rewards.
Syntax: Settax (number)

Pardon - Removes the wanted flag from a character in the kingdom.
Syntax: Pardon (character)

Kinfo - For kleaders, shows the kingdom bank account info in eggs, gold
and silver.
Syntax: kinfo (kingdomname)

Sirname - Creates a newly granted title for the members of a kingdom. Two
titles must be created, one for the male and female slot.
Syntax: sirname (male title) (female title)

Note: Sirname (male title) (female title) on an existing sirname will
erase it from the list.

Grant - Applies one of the the preset sirnames to a kingdomer, regardless of
Syntax: grant (sirname title)