Add experimental aj-compiler options
Archinamon opened this issue · 2 comments
Archinamon commented
-XhasMember allow hasmethod() and hasfield type patterns in declare parents and declare @type
-Xjoinpoints: supply a comma separated list of new joinpoints that can be identified by pointcuts. Values are: arrayconstruction, synchronization
Archinamon commented
Added new qualifier to gradle config:
aspectj {
experimental true
Simple test of new experimental options:
public aspect TestExperimentalFeatures {
pointcut testJoinPoints(): call(String[].new(..));
before(): testJoinPoints() {
Log.e(aspectOf().getClass().getSimpleName(), thisJoinPoint.toString());
interface Abc {}
declare parents: AppCompatActivity+ && hasmethod(* getRouter()) implements Abc;
The joinpoint of array's constructors couldn't be catched before. Now it correctly supplies.
Now available to define hasmethod(MethodPattern) and hasfield(FieldPattern) directives to target exact classes in declare parents
and declare @type
Archinamon commented