
Central Agent not Working

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I have been trying to get the Central Agent to work without success. I have tried from the 'nightly' package as well as from source, running on ejabberd server and running on a separate server without success. The 'centralagent' user is never created and I can't see any indication that it is even trying to connect to the Jabber server in either the central agent logs or the jabber logs. In all cases the central agent logs seem to stop at this point (I have removed my server name) ...

INFO    ::2017-12-16 (centralagent@XXX)::HOOK: registering hook method handle_autogroup_for_entities for hook name HOOK_CENTRALAGENT_VM_REGISTERED (oneshot: False)
INFO    ::2017-12-16 (centralagent@XXX)::PLUGIN: loaded plugin xmppserver 
INFO    ::2017-12-16 (centralagent@XXX)::HOOK: going to run methods for hook HOOK_ARCHIPELENTITY_PLUGIN_ALL_LOADED

Can anyone offer suggestions on how to progress? The hypervisor agents seems to work just fine, I can create an manage VMs as the admin user.

Update: I finally managed to get it working. It appears the buildCentralAgent -d script doesn't build and install all required modules (and yet didn't report an error). I had to install the following modules by hand ...

cd ~/Archipel/archipel-central-agent-platformrequest
sudo -H python install
cd ~/Archipel/archipel-central-agent-platformrequest-defaultcomputingunit
sudo -H python install

After adding the configuration for 'platformrequest' I managed to get the central agent working.

Running the central agent directly using the 'runcentralagent' script reported more errors than appeared in the log file.

Just for anybody else the platformrequest config addition mentioned by @thegaragelab is to add
platformrequest = True
under the [MODULES] section in centraldb.conf