
2017-11-14 Transactions and agents

ekrimmel opened this issue · 4 comments

Scheduled for Tuesday, November 14th at 3pm EST.

Michelle Koo slated to be one of the presenters.

iDigBio calendar announcement placehold here.

Edited topic to be "Transactions in Arctos (accessions, loans, permits, projects, and agents)"

@mkoo and @ccicero will present

Abstract from Carla:

Arctos is a community of museums that collaborate to manage and host their data online. Over 3 million records are publicly available at, a searchable biodiversity database for scientific research, resource management, and education. The Arctos database is used both for querying museum records (see webinars 1 and 2) and for managing information about the collections.
This webinar will provide a short introduction to how transactions (accessions, loans, and permits) are managed in Arctos. Topics will include collection-level permissions and the basic tools for creating and updating different kinds of transactions, managing agents, and linking transactions to projects and media.

Presenter/s: Carla Cicero and Michelle Koo (Staff Curators, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley).

Webinar and sound check scheduled on Adobe Connect

mkoo commented

All completed - on youtube and linked here: