
Feature request: Pushover

nightah opened this issue · 4 comments

I would love to see alerthub with support for Pushover, as another alternative to lets say Pushbullet.

Hello, please check the master branch. I've just implemented a pushover feature, however, since I don't have a pushover account, I can't test myself.

Here's my commit regarding the Pushover: 8b96672

I've just noticed that the primary container I use for this has been archived, so I'm just quickly putting together an updated container for AlertHub and will test shortly.

Confirmed the Pushover hook works as expected.

Also I've setup: if you want to reference that somewhere in your repo.
Please let me know if you do because I can PM you a webhook URL so your commits will result in a Jenkins build for Alerthub.

Just released v1.3.0 with your Docker container and the Pushover change 🎉

Thanks for the test of Pushover integration 🙏