
Clicking add image button throws error in console

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Not sure what's going on - but brand new install, try to add an image and getting this:

runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:226 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'chunkSize')
    at Je (enhanced-markdown:2:88930)
    at ht (enhanced-markdown:2:90422)
    at Ca.replaceRange (enhanced-markdown:2:176941)
    at Proxy.insertBefore (enhanced-markdown:2:408324)
    at Proxy.image (enhanced-markdown:2:409885)
    at Proxy.callAction (enhanced-markdown:2:408504)
    at enhanced-markdown:2:412618
    at runtime-dom.esm-bundler.js:1482:16
    at nn (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:155:22)
    at rn (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:164:21)

Drag and drop works, but that button doesn't. ( figured out that it was a bad config for the region )

Not sure why that button is failing though.

@ryanhungate thanks for your report. We've reproduced the issue and are looking into a solution for it!

fix available in 1.0.3