
Sometimes we can't get the drive link (the function Drive($link) is return empty)

aalfiann opened this issue · 4 comments

I just applied this script in my production web movie, and sometimes we can't get the drive link..

This is only happen for a few users only.

The solution i've made this far is create the auto switch to redirect to google drive link..

But I just want to know why this could happen? so i can fix it.


what does the error log say for when the video doesn't load? I've never seen this myself.
so far only errors I've seen
failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed Name or service not known
SSL: Handshake timed out
failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
failed to open stream: operation failed

there're plenty of reason so can't figure it out without log
you can listen on error then load the drive api link

Hello, the reason is because your google drive link being limited (24 hours limit exceed) so the download link cannot be generated. I have an alternative, you can use player such as to bypass this limitation