
react-native-otp-reader is used to read the message from your phone. Code has been written using the Android SMS Retriever API.
iOS seems to be supporting from the version iOS 12 and required code will be added once after the complete understanding of the iOS API.


Install using npm

npm install react-native-otp-reader

react-native link react-native-otp-reader


Step 1: Import the library

import RNOtpReader from 'react-native-otp-reader'

Step 2: Generate the Hash String

You need to have the hash string to make the auto read message work. You've to give this hash to your Backend team or whoever is going to send the SMS to your phone.

RNOtpReader.GenerateHashString((hash) => {
  console.log('Hash for your application', hash);
- Please note that different hash string will be returned in the following
- 1. If you're running and installing the app from your Mac/Windows.
- 2. If you're generating the debug APK and installing through external resources like Diawi, HockeyApp, etc.
- 3. If you're generating the release APK and uploading the `Play Store`

+ You've to give the Hash which has been generated in the Play Store to your Backend team or whoever is going to send the SMS.
+ I usually get the Hash from Playstore Alpha/Beta release by setting the hash value to the Label/Text.

Step 3: Start Observing the SMS

You've to start the observer which is going to wait for the SMS with the hash string of your application.

RNOtpReader.StartObservingIncomingSMS((message) => {
  console.log('Started the SMS observer successfully', message);
}, (error) => {
  console.log('Starting the SMS observer failed', error)'

Step 4: Add the listener for the SMS

Add the listener

DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('otpReceived', (message) => {
  // Retrived Message
  console.log('message', message);

  // OTP Message
  const regex = /[0-9]{6}/gm; // OTP code length is 6
  const otpFound = message && message.message.match(regex);
  const found = otpFound || [];
  if (!isEmpty(found)) {
    console.log('OTP Code', found.join(''));