
Modding YOTD features

NeedWolf opened this issue · 8 comments

I am very new to modding so I have no idea how to mod (but I do have some programming experience) anything other than images which you have helped with and thank you, but how would I add or modify the game features. I know that is a general topic, so is there anything you would suggest to mod the game features. I know tag duels is in the game, but there is no display to get to it. So where could I start to get started on a project like that?

Arefu commented

If you want to do anything like that you're going to need to learn a lot about Assembly and reverse engineering since you're going to need to hack a lot of logic into the game that doesn't already exist in it.

Ouch that sounds intense. Well I think it might already be in the game though. I found some evidence that tag duels are in the code, but not used. It is quite strange. In fact, I think like half the game was left out. There were towers too and other things I don't understand.

Arefu commented

Yeah a lot of stuff was ditched and it used to be in the engine, to uncover and unlock it you'd need to find every reference and patch stuff in yourself, so a lot of work for not much gain.

Goodluck though

I will keep trying. lol
I hope I am not bothering you too much, and thanks for the help!

Arefu commented

Nah not at all, keep it up my dude and feel free to reach out if you need help

Awesome! I appreciate it! So, would it be like what you did with the shop plugin, but on a much bigger scale?

Arefu commented

Pretty much, you'll need to figure out all the entry points you need to hijack, set up the game state in a way that won't crash the game, I'm not seasoned at RE but I wouldn't attempt something like this, and if it's your first time dipping the toes into RE I'd avoid against this since it is a MASSIVE underaking

I don't know if I want to mod this. This seems intense and not for much reward like you said. I might mod it later, but definitely not now. Still, thank you for all your help! I still learned a lot from this.