
README before creating an issue or asking by email

Arg0s1080 opened this issue · 1 comments

Right now I'm very busy and have very little free time. Please, before creating an issue or consulting by email, follow the following steps:

For example, If i have the following sample and i want to generate MRZ Code with MRZ Generator:

  • Check that MRZ is installed (Yes, sometimes it happens xD!)

  • See distribution fields image:


  • Search examples folder for a similar case:
    • [Mmmhm... this could be used!]
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

from mrz.generator.td1 import *
from examples.functions.functions import open_image

            "ID",                                 # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
            "Serbia",                             # Country         3 letters code or country name
            "955555546",                          # Document number Special characters will be transliterated
            "680229",                             # Birth date      YYMMDD
            "F",                                  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined 'X'
            "130724",                             # Expiry date     YYMMDD
            "Serbia",                             # Nationality
            "ТЕСТ",                               # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
            "МИЛИЦА",                             # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
            "2902968000000",                      # Optional data 1 empty string by default
            "",                                   # Optional data 2 empty string by default
            dictionary.cyrillic_serbian()))       # Transliteration Dictionary (latin by default)
open_image("id_cards", "Serbia.png")
  • Modify the example and run it:
from mrz.generator.td1 import TD1CodeGenerator

print(TD1CodeGenerator("CA",                 # Document type   Normally 'I' or 'ID' for id cards
                       "CAN",                # Country         3 letters code or country name
                       "9B0002562",          # Document number
                       "750625",             # Birth date      YYMMDD
                       "F",                  # Genre           Male: 'M', Female: 'F' or Undefined
                       "201029",             # Expiry date     YYMMDD
                       "MOZ",                # Nationality
                       "SPECIMEN SUMBI",     # Surname         Special characters will be transliterated
                       "GEESHNIKUT",         # Given name(s)   Special characters will be transliterated
                       "<00185978<<<<<5",    # Optional data 1
                       "<151106<01",         # Optional data 2
                       ))   # It's not necessary to transliterate .. I can ignore it
  • Lets get the output:
    • If the output is correct: No problem. FINISH
    • If the output is incorrect:
      • I check all the steps again:
        • If output is correct: Nothing happens.. I had a typo or something like that. No problem. FINISH
        • If the output is not correct: Oops! There is probably a bug or a special case. Then preferably create an issue or alternatively ask by email
    • If the output is correct but i would like it to work differentely
      • Think if it only affects my own needs or everyone's needs (or that of many)
        • If it only affects me: Modify the code or write a class that overrides originals. Tip: See what's done in special cases folder (Note: Due a desing problem the name of the class must start with TD1, TD2, TD3 or Passport and must end with CodeGenerator or CodeChecker)
        • If it benefits to everyone (or many): Open a new issue requesting a enhancement or make a Pull Request

I understand that errors happen (I make a lot everyday), but please... I demand a minimum of effort before asking.

Thank you very much and best regards

Im getting error no module found mrz, what to do ? importing errors how to resolve this issue