
:whale: Wordpress Containerized with persistent data container (Apache + Wordpress, MariaDB and two Data-Container) :whale:



🐳 Wordpress Containerized with persistent data container (Apache + Wordpress, MariaDB and two Data-Container 🐳

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/ArgonQQ/Dockpress.git

🐳 What is this? 🐳

With this docker-compose.yml file you can easily spin up your Wordpress with a Database and two Data-Container where everything is stored persistent.

├── Readme.md
└── docker-compose.yml

Getting Started

Change into the cloned directory and start the container daemonized

docker-compose up -d

Database Credentials

DB-User:      root # Standard root MariaDB user
DB-Password:  MyPa$$word # Is set in the docker-compose.yml file