
CoffeeScript support

Closed this issue · 8 comments

At the moment, CoffeeScript syntax errors get mildly mangled:

  Error: unexpected newline

  - /Users/ELLIOTTCABLE/Dropbox/Code/Paws/Paws.js/Source/ er
    ror: unexpected newline

  - @tput new (require('blessed').Tput) term: process.env['TERM']

  -                                                                       ^

It's not a huge deal, but it's mildly annoying to disable pretty-error if I need more information about a syntax error.

Yeah, this is annoying.

It's mainly because RenderKid tries to be smart when dealing with leading whitespace, but that's not needed in this specific case.

I'll have to think of something, but could you post a screenshot of your console with the mangled syntax error? I have to compare it with mine, as I'm not sure if whitespace management is the only problem here. That 0m in the last line is not supposed to be there.


Ugh, I don't even remember what the exact code causing the error was; I regret not recording where I was before submitting this. /=

That's okay. This is probably gonna take some time, since I have to add a few features to RenderKid. But if this bug is annoying you too much, I'll work on it sooner, so, please let me know :)

@AriaMinaei definitely back-burner stuff! (=

Okay then :)

CoffeeScript support is always awesome :) especially when the module itself is in CS 💯

Cool! If I ever run into weird stack-trace errors with CoffeeScript again, I'll come back here with more details. <3

I'm sorry I failed as a feedback-contributor! >':

@ELLIOTTCABLE: not at all :) I was supposed to fix this issue a long time ago.