
Default wrapping

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Love the work you are doing! Thanks a ton for this module. My only wish is that by default it wouldn't hardwrap lines. Feels that this should be an opt-in, and I don't see an easy way of disabling it either.

What do you think?

Thanks @alexgorbatchev, I appreciate your feedback :)

Yeah, I guess wrapping doesn't help with all trace lines.

For now, I can think of two solutions:

One, we can add a css property to RenderKid to disable wrapping for some elements, like this:


   'pretty-error > trace > item': {

      wrap: 'off' // or something like that



Our second option would be to have PrettyError detect the trace lines that don't require wrapping, and disable wrapping for those by default — and it should be customizable.

What do you think?

Btw, could you post a screenshot of a case where wrapping doesn't work for you?

I'm closing this issue since it hasn't been active in a while.