
FitNess AI Chatbot for your Fitness Journey

Primary LanguagePython

FitBot - Your Personal Gym Trainer

FitBot is an interactive chatbot that serves as your personal gym trainer. It helps you with workout routines, provides exercise recommendations, and even suggests instructional videos for a better understanding of fitness techniques. With FitBot, you can have a conversation with a knowledgeable and dedicated virtual trainer to get guidance on your fitness goals.


Chat with a Gym Trainer:

Engage in a conversation with FitBot to seek guidance and advice on your workout routine. FitBot's responses are generated using OpenAI's powerful text generation models. ##Personalized Experience: Provide your client information, such as height, age, weight, and any relevant details, to receive personalized recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

Video Search:

If you want more visual explanations or demonstrations, FitBot can search YouTube for relevant workout videos based on your queries.


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Cyanex1702/FitBot_Your-Personal-Trainer-Chatbot.git
cd FitBot

Install the required dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up your OpenAI API key:

  1. Open fitbot.py in a text editor.
  2. Replace "Type Your Api Key Here" with your actual OpenAI API key.
  3. Launch the FitBot interface:
python fitbot.py

Access the FitBot interface:

Once the FitBot interface is running, open your web browser and visit the provided URL to start interacting with FitBot.


Talk With Fit:

Enter your message in the "Talk With Fit" textbox to start a conversation with FitBot. FitBot will respond with helpful guidance and tips based on your queries.

Client Info:

Provide your client information, such as height, age, weight, injuries, or any other relevant details, in the "Client Info" textbox for a more personalized experience with FitBot.

Search for Video:

If you want to look up a video that provides more information or instructions, enter your query in the "Search for Video" textbox. FitBot will search YouTube and provide video links related to your query.

Chatbot Response:

FitBot's responses to your queries will appear in the "Chatbot Response" textbox. You can refer to this section for the trainer's advice and recommendations.

Video Link:

If you searched for a video, the related video links will appear in the "Video Link" textbox. You can click on these links to access the instructional videos.


The FitBot interface provides a set of example prompts to help you get started quickly. These examples cover common fitness-related queries and can serve as a guide for interacting with FitBot. Simply click on an example to prefill the input fields and see how FitBot responds.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


FitBot was developed using the following libraries and APIs:

OpenAI - For natural language processing and chatbot capabilities.

Gradio - For building the interactive interface.

youtube-search-python - For searching and retrieving YouTube videos.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request.