
List of features available in this project

Aris-t2 opened this issue · 0 comments

'Classic' CSS tweaks for Firefox

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Howto instructions on main page: CustomCSSforFx

Restore more features with JavaScript: CustomJSforFx

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FOXSCAPEuC: FOXSCAPE theme for Firefox userChrome.css by Michael Walden

The only way to modify ui is adding custom CSS code to userChrome.css and userContent.css files inside browsers profile folder. Keep in mind CSS code can not create entirely new items, buttons or toolbars. Only already present ui items can be modified!

(CTR) = known from Classic Theme Restorer add-on
(CTB) = known from Classic Toolbar Buttons add-on

(NB) = known from NoiaButtons add-on look here
(N4) = known from Noia4 theme
(GMF) = known from GlassMyFox add-on (window transparency on Windows 8/10 can only be achieved by third party tools like Glass8)

Currently available CSS tweaks for Firefox Quantum (57+) this project offers

General configuration files to control many parts of this project

  • tab/toolbar colors:
    • default grey / AeroBlue / transparent / AeroGlass (GMF) / classic grey / Firefox 3.6
    • Noia 4 grey / lightgrey / dark (N4)
  • tab width, height, border, close button size


  • classic squared tabs / squared tabs 'australized' (CTR)
  • classic squared tabs > fully squared
  • custom text settings > text color/shadow/bold/italic for default, hovered, active, unloaded/pending tabs
  • custom tab colors for squared tabs variations (edit file and set manually tab background colors for default, active, hovered, unloaded,, newtab tabs + active tabs color for navigation toolbar and bookmarks toolbar) + Aero colors
  • 'tabs not on top' (tabs below navigation and bookmarks toolbars) (CTR)
  • 'tabs not on top' + 'navigation toolbar' in titlebar [experimental]
  • tabs below main content [experimental]
  • multirow tabs / multiple tab lines [experimental]
  • tab title
    • in Firefox titlebar
    • remove blur overlay
    • left, centered, right position
  • custom tab loading animations (CTR)
  • always show 'all tabs' button
  • hide 'empty' favicon on pinned tabs
  • restore missing 'empty' favicon (CTR)
  • close button settings: always show, on active tab only, on hover only, hidden, hidden for one tab, at tabs start
  • 'new tab' button always visible
  • close button size
  • close button icons: Win7/10, white, red, Fx3.6


  • application/hamburger button in Firefox titlebar
    • label + dropmarker
    • icon only (+ different icons)
    • icon + label (+ different icons)
    • colors > auto, orange, Aurora, Nightly, Palemoon, transparent etc.
  • application/hamburger button popup menu
    • hide sync item
    • colorized icons
  • application/hamburger button popup > hide panel arrow
  • application/hamburger button on navigation toolbar
    • move to navigation toolbars start
    • different icons
    • colors > auto, orange, Aurora, Nightly, Palemoon, etc. + white Fx icon
    • hide separator
  • classic button appearance on navigation toolbar (CTB)
  • transparent button appearance on navigation toolbar (GMF)
  • panel popups > hide arrow
  • buttons on navigation toolbar
    • squared button appearance
    • custom border roundness
    • more compact (in compact mode)
    • huge buttons
  • custom toolbar button icon colors / white icons
  • custom icons (CTB) (see instructions inside file)
  • bookmarks toolbar > old button size
  • bookmarks menu button > classic popup and custom button title on bookmarks toolbar (edit file to set custom title)
  • bookmarks menu button popup > hide unneeded menuitems
  • forward button > hide button when disabled
  • back/forward buttons
    • custom appearance > large/small, Fx2/3, IE8/9 etc. (CTB)
    • custom appearance > connected to location bar
    • separated history popups for back and forward buttons
    • hide left-click (history) popup
  • zoom buttons on toolbars > hide reset button

[General UI]

  • old search (CTR) (*)
  • context menu buttons
    • replace back, forward, reload etc. buttons with labels (+ show icons)
    • colorized back, forward, reload and bookmarks button icons
  • hide private mode indicators
  • searchbar
    • hide 'plus' indicator from search glass
    • hide search engines
  • bookmarks > restore old colorful icons (folder, feed etc.)
  • findbar
    • short findbar on top
    • short findbar on top > fade out on hover
    • show full findbar instead quick findbar
    • show lw-themes background image
    • close at findbars start
  • reduce popup/panel fade time
  • reduce overflow menus width and remove button text
  • increase general font size (might break some items, if a too high value is set manually)
  • hide 'send to device' menuitems
  • sidebar dark appearance


  • simulated add-on bar (bookmarks toolbar on bottom + bookmarks still on top)
  • cheat default "status" popup into simulated add-on bar
  • old left and right toolbar padding
  • toolbar colors
  • tabs toolbar tweaks > remove unneeded spaces, reduce button sizes etc.
  • bookmarks toolbar > old toolbar height
  • show menubar in full-screen mode
  • show bookmarks toolbar in full-screen mode
  • icons + text mode
  • text only mode
  • sidebar
    • remove size restrictions
    • enable lw-theme support
    • colorized heard icons

[Location Bar]

  • smaller font size in compact mode
  • colorized default icons > reader, star, action, dropmarker
  • alternative reader icons
  • identity box
    • colors for secure/insecure/valid/chromeui/extensionsui
    • custom/hidden padlock icons
    • replace 'i'-icon with globe icon
    • hide labels
  • history dropmarker
    • always visible
    • at location bars end
  • star button
    • last button / second last button, if dropmarker is at the end
    • yellow icon (CTR)
  • dark background color for location bar and search bar
  • hide 'go' button
  • hide page action button (three dots)
  • hide page action separator
  • hide 'popup blocked' indicator
  • custom border roundness for location bar and search bar
  • autocomplete popup
    • classic popup (attached to location bar + two-lined results + auto-width) (*)
    • show url only (+ show title on hover)
    • 'title and url' / 'url and title' share ~50% of popups width each
    • aero color for hovered/active results
    • bold/underlined key-search results
    • custom height

[Add-on Manager (about:addons)]

  • alternative appearance (CTR)
  • always show 'Recent Updates' category
  • change description pages content order
  • add-ons views
    • show add-on version number (*)
    • compact and more compact
    • only show buttons on 'hover'
    • replace button labels with icons

[Preferences page (about:preferences)]

  • alternative appearance (CTR)
  • alternative appearance v2 (more classic colors)

[Web Content]

  • old top level image appearance (top left on white background)
  • alternative appearance for inbuilt screenshot add-on

(*) This will work as long XBL is supported by Firefox.

Already in Firefox Quantum without custom code or WebExtensions


  • star/bookmark button: button in location bar
  • bookmarks menu button: disconnected from star button (see 'Customize...' area)
  • back and forward buttons: disconnected from location bar
  • back and forward buttons: separately movable within navigation toolbar
  • stop and reload buttons: buttons combined and outside location bar
  • sidebar button: one button for bookmarks, history and synced tabs
  • application/hamburger button: popup 'visually closer' to the old one (no huge icons)
  • downloads button: progress indicator below icon

[General UI]

  • flexible spaces (see 'Customize...' area)
  • drag space: space above tabs toolbar (see 'Customize...' area)
  • toolbar modes: compact, normal, large (see 'Customize...' area)

Things possible by installing WebExtensions


[General UI]


Other projects

Curved tabs: Photon Australis by wilfredwee
UserChrome.js and scripts for Firefox 57+ by Endor8 (in German)
UserChrome.js for Firefox 57+ by nuchi
simpleMenuWizard for Firefox 57+ by stonecrusher
more Add-on Bars for Firefox 57+: by tkhquang

Promo screenshots


bookmarks_menu cbackfor

