
Rest api created for react client. Api was created from scratch. For auth I used JWT. Main techs:

  • Nodejs, Express
  • Mongoose, MLab
  • Typescript, ts-node
  • Mocha/Chai

Installation and scripts

To start the app you should run yarn install and yarn watch. By default you can use db connection strings stored in .env file.

  • build - is responsible to run ts-node and map .ts files on .js in /dist folder.
  • start - should run server.js with nodemon in /dist folder
  • watch - run server.ts in lib folder
  • test - run mocha/chai tests with real database
  • test-noDb - run mocha/chai tests with mocked database


I created only integration tests with mocha/chai that check if the endpoints work properly i.e. is data correct, is validation and authGurad work. I also created basic stress tests for endpoints designed for user.


Name Type
email string
password string
Name Type
title string
description string
days string[]
price string
Name Type
happeningId string
firstName string
lastName string
email string
date date


Route Method Action Protected
/login POST if data is correct send token no
/register POST create new user no

There is a posibility to register new user, but on client only admin is important. Registred user don't have additional permissions. User registered with email will get admin role.


User can only get happening/s.

Route Method Action Protected
/happenings GET get all happenings no
/happening/:id GET get happening by id no
/happening POST create new happening by admin role
/happening/:id PUT update happening by id by admin role
/happening/:id DELETE delete happening by id by admin role

User can only add new application.

Route Method Action Protected
/applications GET get all applications by admin role
/application/:id GET get application by id by admin role
/application POST create new application no
/application/:id PUT update application by id by admin role
/application/:id DELETE delete application by id by admin role