
Can't install Windows 11 after installing WinPass

camdenorrb opened this issue · 16 comments

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install WinPass
  2. Fail to update to Windows 11

Expected behavior
Being able to install Windows 11


Looks like dev channel gets changed back to ReleasePreview in registry. So the bypass this application provides is most likely patched

It isn't patched.. I used the same method to force myself into an inaccessible channel.

Then not sure, mine gets forced back to release whenever I reopen that window

After forcing myself into the Beta channel, I used WinPass and it put me back into the Dev channel. I don't know what issue you're facing.

After following the first steps of this, while the window was closed

I managed to get it to work!

(Party emojis)

Did you have to delete setupconfig.ini?


Which steps did you have to follow?

Probably was mainly because I didn't have the window closed, but I just went through the whole Step 2: Modify Registry*

Whenever closing the window afterchanging it, it seems to revert back to release

Also, should be noted that you have to go to check for windows updates after it works, it'll still say compatibility is an issue in the insider window

We know that, but at least it worked

Yeah, just notes for anyone reading this issue

Also, should be noted that you have to go to check for windows updates after it works, it'll still say compatibility is an issue in the insider window

You do? You shouldn't have to do that

@ProgrammerIn-wonderland Yepp, in the insider window it says it's not compatible but is on the dev channel, so next time you check for updates it'll download windows 11

I'll investigate this issue

Not really an issue imo tbh