
World SQL

Closed this issue · 8 comments

sorry i use issue for my problem
i dot know where i can find [World.sql] TDB ...
start world sql [ clean world ]

you can find link to snapshoot on our forum:

error on import world snapshot
and me download curent snapshot in folders..thats right ?

CREATE TABLE game_event (
eventEntry tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Entry of the game event',
start_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-01 01:00:01' COMMENT 'Absolute start date, the event will never start before',
end_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-01 01:00:01' COMMENT 'Absolute end date, the event will never start afler',
occurence bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '5184000' COMMENT 'Delay in minutes between occurences of the event',
length bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '2592000' COMMENT 'Length in minutes of the event',
holiday mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Client side holiday id',
description varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Description of the event displayed in console',
world_event tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0 if normal event, 1 if world event',
announce tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '0 dont announce, 1 announce, 2 value from config',
PRIMARY KEY (eventEntry)

Error occured at:2017-03-31 17:33:23
Line no.:1642427
Error Code: 1067 - Invalid default value for 'start_time'

i change default time to : 0000-00-00 00:00:00 and work fine

a time value of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 should make error.. so i think:

check: youre mysql server should have version 5.5.x.. NO NEWER VERSION...
ckeck: in youre mysql server configuration you has to set value of buffer to 32M

i have new problem open new issue ?
i have error for table BroadcastText . this table not exist but i found it on clean world [creat world database]
now this table is empty and i not found any import data
my errors like :
ossipText (Id: 1) in table npc_text has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextID0 50429.
GossipText (Id: 68) in table npc_text has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextID0 50429.
GossipText (Id: 197) in table npc_text has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextID0 7590.

--CreatureTextMgr: Entry 55729, Group 0, Id 6 in table creature_texts has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextId 16324.
CreatureTextMgr: Entry 54485, Group 0, Id 5 in table creature_texts has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextId 53453.
CreatureTextMgr: Entry 55729, Group 0, Id 0 in table creature_texts has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextId 16318.
CreatureTextMgr: Entry 54485, Group 0, Id 4 in table creature_texts has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextId 53452.
and more than 70.000 line like this
------i need broadcast_text data

now i testing source [quest and etc]
-----and some crash when Quest give or take [now dont have log in realease with debug info]

you have to read more the text in snapshoot..
in folder persist data you find this two tables..

maybe its better you write it in our forum..

When i Use 0000-00-00 00:00:00 for Game event start time more event Buged
what i do is better ? any number like 1970 .... import error

this question you have to ask unix or mysql..
if you look at google, the unix time starting 1970..
but what is a valid month?? jan=1
what is a valid day?? first jan=1970/01/01
and same question about time..
what is a valid time?? unix time starting 1970 at "first" second in first hour, not 0 second!!!!
and you have am/pm
so a valid time is : 01/01/1970 @ 12:00:01am (UTC)
1970-01-01 01:00:01