
[BUG] Long Arm of the Law

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Class: Paladin
Spec: Retribution
What should do : Your Judgement has a [50%/100%] chance to increase your movement speed by 45% for 4 sec when used on targets at or further than 15 yards from you
What does : Nothing

Maybe this can help you

// -87168 - Long Arm of the Law
class spell_pal_long_arm_of_the_law : public AuraScript

bool Validate(SpellInfo const* /*spellInfo*/) override
    return ValidateSpellInfo({ SPELL_PALADIN_LONG_ARM_OF_THE_LAW });

bool CheckProc(ProcEventInfo& eventInfo)
    if (roll_chance_i(GetEffect(EFFECT_0)->GetAmount()))
        if (Spell const* spell = eventInfo.GetProcSpell())
            if (Unit* target = spell->m_targets.GetUnitTarget())
                return (eventInfo.GetActor()->GetDistance2d(target) > 15.0f);

    return false;

void HandleProc(AuraEffect const* aurEff, ProcEventInfo& eventInfo)
    GetTarget()->CastSpell(GetTarget(), SPELL_PALADIN_LONG_ARM_OF_THE_LAW, true, nullptr, aurEff);

void Register() override
    DoCheckProc += AuraCheckProcFn(spell_pal_long_arm_of_the_law::CheckProc);
    OnEffectProc += AuraEffectProcFn(spell_pal_long_arm_of_the_law::HandleProc, EFFECT_0, SPELL_AURA_DUMMY);


it does not work, i will keep looking

This is the other way that i mention frank

// Judgement - 54158
class spell_pal_judgement : public SpellScriptLoader
spell_pal_judgement() : SpellScriptLoader("spell_pal_judgement") { }

    class spell_pal_judgement_SpellScript : public SpellScript

        void HandleScriptEffect(SpellEffIndex /*effIndex*/)
            Player* caster = GetCaster()->ToPlayer();
            int32 spellPower = caster->SpellBaseDamageBonusDone(GetSpellInfo()->GetSchoolMask());
            int32 attackPower = caster->GetTotalAttackPowerValue(BASE_ATTACK);
            int32 basepoints0 = 0;
            Unit::AuraApplicationMap & sealAuras = caster->GetAppliedAuras();
            for (Unit::AuraApplicationMap::iterator iter = sealAuras.begin(); iter != sealAuras.end(); iter++)
                Aura* aura = iter->second->GetBase();
                if (aura->GetSpellInfo()->GetSpellSpecific() == SPELL_SPECIFIC_SEAL)
                    switch (aura->GetSpellInfo()->Id)
                        case 20165: // Seal of Insight
                            basepoints0 = 0.25f * spellPower + 0.16f * attackPower;
                        case 20154: // Seal of Righteousness
                            basepoints0 = 0.32f * spellPower + 0.2f * attackPower;
                        case 20164: // Seal of Justice
                            basepoints0 = 0.25f * spellPower + 0.16f * attackPower;
                        case 31801: // Seal of Truth
                            basepoints0 = 0.223f * spellPower + 0.142f * attackPower;
                            // Damage is increased by 20% per stack
                            if (Aura* censure = GetHitUnit()->GetAura(31803, caster->GetGUID()))
                                AddPct(basepoints0, censure->GetStackAmount() * 20);
            caster->CastCustomSpell(GetHitUnit(), 54158, &basepoints0, NULL, NULL, true);
            // Long arm of the law
            if (AuraEffect* aurEff = caster->GetDummyAuraEffect(SPELLFAMILY_PALADIN, 3013, EFFECT_0))
                if (roll_chance_i(aurEff->GetAmount()))
                    if (caster->GetDistance(GetHitUnit()) > 15.0f)
                        caster->CastSpell(caster, 87173, true);

            // Communion
            if (AuraEffect* communion = caster->GetAuraEffect(31876, EFFECT_1, caster->GetGUID()))
                caster->CastSpell(caster, 57669, true);

        void Register()
            OnEffectHitTarget += SpellEffectFn(spell_pal_judgement_SpellScript::HandleScriptEffect, EFFECT_0, SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT);

    SpellScript* GetSpellScript() const
        return new spell_pal_judgement_SpellScript();


have you tested the spell 54158 Judgement ??

and what is with the first spell 87168 - Long Arm of the Law ( obsolete or needed to ?? )

yes i tested but i dont know that is missing an spell_proc in database or something, i just know that dont work the problem is that Long Arm of the Law have like 2 spells as i see

87168 [Rank 1]
Your Judgement has a 50% chance to increase your movement speed by 45% for 4sec when used on targets at or further than 15 yards from you.

87172 [Rank 2]
Your Judgement has a 100% chance to increase your movement speed by 45% for 4sec when used on targets at or further than 15 yards from you.

in our db the spell 87168 is included as -87168 and that (-) means it a ranked spell.. so the spell 87172 is called with same script -87168..
the different of the ranked spells are basepoints (value of 50 or 100).. and this is calculated on all spells.. so if i compare script/spellwork then it should work for 87168 and 87172..

the result of the computed basepoints is send as custom spell 54158 to target..
maybe here is a problem.. we have a script for spell 54158 to.. and this script uses PreventDefaultAction.. so all other prepared values (from spell 87168 or 87172) are cleared..