
Docker images for Symfony Framework ready to run on Mac OSX without performance issues

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker symfony on Mac (OS X)


This is my docker project created for symfony php framework(https://symfony.com/) projects. I use docker on my Mac for large symfony application and met an performance issue described under https://forums.docker.com/t/file-access-in-mounted-volumes-extremely-slow-cpu-bound/8076/126. To solve the issue I use in this project external library http://docker-sync.io/ with successful. This solution synchronize files changes from my project path to docker images with delay below 1 s(can't see this).

Project is ready to work with Symfony 3.1. Includes PHP7.1 + NGINX + MARIADB + xdebug + wkhtmltopdf + composer

I didn't tested it on Windows but it should work ;).

I use database localy so all database files are preserved on my local machine not in image.


I will recomend to pull this repository localy and then copy docker files and paths(path docker, files docker-*) to your symfony project. I have committed to this repo only one file to web/ path, only to show that it's working fine.

RUN project

Add to your /etc/hosts web


gem install docker-sync

Run as deamon

Running as deamon is very convenient and I will prefer this way.

Described here: https://github.com/EugenMayer/docker-sync/wiki/2.3-daemon-mode#instead-of-docker-sync-stack-start

docker-sync-daemon start
docker-compose up
To stop sync

docker-sync-daemon stop


docker-compose up

To run containers in background use option -d

docker-compose up -d

To build/rebuild containers

docker-compose build

Useful commands

I moved useful commands to separate section.

a relative link