
Include the library in VSCode

Closed this issue · 1 comments

A4EVA commented

Hello, the project build perfectly on it's own but I would like to know how where should I copy the library in order to use it in other projects, I'm using Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.

Thank You

Hi @NitroProp,

I have not used this library with Visual Studio Code, but you can do the following to integrate the library with other projects.

Edit the CMakeLists.txt file of your project with:

  1. Add a subdirectory line with a path to the library:
add_subdirectory("lib/lorawan-library-for-pico" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
  1. Add pico_lorawan inside the target_link_libraries line:
target_link_libraries(<your app name> pico_stdlib <other lib dependencies> pico_lorawan)

Then run cmake + make again for your project.