
FFmpeg error

Moremackles opened this issue · 4 comments

When I try to do any video this happens, is there something I'm missing?

Did you download ffmpeg and put it in the directory that you are running concat from? Normally concat should output the error of ffmpeg if one occurs and because of the blank line I think concat couldn't find ffmpeg.

I did, I initally extracted the top level folder (the one with a bunch of files and folders inside of it) into the same folder that concat was in and tried it, but got the same error. After that I tried moving all of the ffmpeg stuff one folder up so concat was in with a bunch of misc files and folders but that did the same thing.

You need the "ffmpeg.exe" in the same directory as the "concat.exe".

You can find the ffmpeg.exe in the bin directory when you download ffmpeg from

Ah, thank you. My fault but you might want to put that in the description on the front page, a lot of people are probably as dumb as I am :p