
[Bug] No available quality options found / This API has been removed

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Bug Report

Issue: Cannot download videos.

Command: concat -vod="123456789"

Expected: begins a Twitch video download.


user@host:~$ concat -vod="482122315"
Contacting Twitch Server
Couldn't find quality: chunked
No available quality options found

Test video-ids: ["482122315", "7695281", "378008253", "473298056"]

Test Environments:

  • Docker-container (from python)
  • CircleCI (docker + ci utils)
  • Desktops (Pop_os!, Ubuntu)

Other info:
I saw a similar issue with pytube when YouTube changed some of their back-end stream options. It is likely this is the result of a Twitch update, considering your app has been working great for the past few months.

I wondered if the API was broken so I tried this:

And the repsonse was not great:
{"error":"Gone","status":410,"message":"this API has been removed."}

I tried downloading the videos you mentioned and didn't encounter the problem you described. Can you try again?

I tried downloading the videos you mentioned and didn't encounter the problem you described. Can you try again?

Confirm I am having the same issue on both my Desktop (Pop_Os!) and on a Kubernetes pod.

I am using the latest release binary, as we don't have the pod(s) set up for Go.

@breimers @ArneVogel I think this has something to do with the Twitch API going down once in a while. I've encountered this issue but it goes away after a few hours.