
No videos are downloading from twitch because of the quality selection option

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hey love your tool. Just wanted to check if you could see into the issue- No videos are downloading - by default its tryiing to download chunked quality and looks like twitch is not providing any quality options anymore. So no videos are downloading

Hello I have been using this great tool for more than a year now without issue up until 2 weeks ago, now I can't get Concat to download any videos from twitch at all.
If I try to download the videos in chunked quality without setting the quality option in the terminal it does not work.
This is what I see in my terminal every time now when I try to download.
Contacting Twitch Server
Couldn't find quality: chunked
No available quality options found"
I'm on Linux.

@PenguinRevolution Can you try using -qualityinfo flag and tell me what the result is?
I only get this then noting

I also can't get the tool to work anymore, same issue as the others. Can't find any quality, either the default 'chunked' or any manual quality settings. Client-ID is being provided.

If you guys are fine with building a go application from source, there is a working fork of mine available here

There are some differences though, as i started the fork quite a while back and modified the code a bunch.

it's now more convenient to use

  • can pass IDs and/or URLs) to download
  • supports multiple IDs and/or URLs) to download after another
  • downloads straight to a *.ts file instead of combining the parts at the end
  • will retry to download failed chunks a few times before exiting with an error

some drawbacks:

  • does not currently support resuming a download after a pc shutdown
  • consumes a bit more memory the more concurrent downloads are used, as they are stored in memory until they can be flushed to disk
razvr commented

If you guys are fine with building a go application from source, there is a working fork of mine available here

I think I was able to compile it successfully, but I'm still running in the same issue OP described.

here is a precompiled binary which i just today used to download a VoD for a stream that was yesterday (windows)