
Visualization improvement

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Right now Visualization is great tool that helps me a lot developing my skill, however, I find it quite buggy and confusing the way it works right now, I encounter the following bugs:

When you touch a certain piece and is not in the desired square, it works weird so first you have to put it there and then do it, it makes it really confusing

When you touch a piece and you move it to another piece occupied it obviously wrong on the player but it's bit confusing once instance I had to move the Queen first, but then wanted to move the Rook and it went wrong.

My solution: Keep it Simple so you avoid any weird bugs and more importantly confusing players

Let the player move to the annotated position either with moving the pieces or with a button that will take them to the last annotated position and then solve it.

Obviously I might be wrong and people prefer it the way it is, open discussion is important.

In retrospective, I think it's fine the way it is