
Showing all arrows

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Currrently arrows are only displayed for individual moves that have been played less than 2 times. That means in a position you might get an arrow showing you one move, while there are actually other valid moves, but since they have already been played before you get no indication that they are also valid options. Now in a perfect world you should already know about the other move because you've already played it, but I think that when only one arrow in a position is shown it is a bit confusing and will actually make it harder to remember what to do in a certain position. I like to think that learning openings is not about learning individual moves but which options you have in each position. I think it's not until all the moves in a position has been played that you really know the position.

I've been playing around with it for a while now, and I have a suggestion:

Display arrows for ALL moves in a position if any of the moves have been played less than 2 times, not just the individual moves that have not been played in a while. Yes, this means the arrows will stick around longer in positions where your side of the repertoire have multiple options, but I think this is only natural.

I am ready to put up a PR for this relatively soon if you think it’s a good idea. The bulk of the code is already done.

Also, with the tree weighted algorithm in place, there is less focus/importance on steering the user towards making those moves he hasn't played enough, so I think that also speaks in favor of presenting all options in a position.

Just realized I forgot to include the following idea. While still showing all arrows or nothing, you could still indicate which moves have been played less than others. I did some tests on this. If any of the moves have been played less than 40% than the most played move in the position, these are marked either with higher or lower opacity. I suggest lower opacity for moves that have not yet been played so much, but I've attached a screenshot, and you can see what you prefer. I created some fake demo screenshots of using a chessground annotation like you suggested but I think that is just going to distract too much. Also, I think maybe those should be preserved if you want to show actual annotations stored in the PGN in the future.


Would be a great addition.

I think top right is the most sensible design, where the move with the highest value has the lowest opacity. Maybe make the difference in opacity even higher?

Great. Will do!
