
PGN file size limit

dehlen opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey is there any reason why the png file upload limit is set to 50kb? I understand that you probably want to limit the amount of data you need to store in the database and this is also a cost factor but I am trying to learn my whole repertoire via listudy and many of my png files are > 50kb. It would be great if I was able to import them in one study instead of splitting it out into multiple studies.

Any chance we can remove/alter that limit?

Hi, yes the size limit is to limit of amount of data. What kind range of sizes do you want to upload?
As a quick fix studies imported from lichess don't have any size limitations. So importing them to lichess as unlisted study and importing to listudy from there will work.

I got one PGN with about 80kB and one with 170kB which previously did not work for me but the workaround importing them via lichess worked for me.

Thank you for the answer and feel free to close this issue if you feel the limit should stay the same. My initial problem is solved via the lichess import.

Kind regards,

I also just realized this file size limit might be very inconvenient. I understand the reason but it's still inconvenient. My two studies/repertoires are already 30 kb each and I feel like I have just started working on them. The problem with uploading directly from Lichess is that Lichess on the other hand sets a limit on chapter length, so you have to split your repertoire into chapters, and I really don't want to have to select which chapter to train. I want to just have the whole repertoire at my disposal when trying and just playing whatever line I want to train without having to think about what chapter that line is in. I put a +1 on the other issue that talks about being able to train a whole study and not individual chapters.

Is there any other way around this issue? Like taking donations or something lika that. I think it would be great if a user could upload lets say 250 kb worth of study.