
Portuguese translation

Opened this issue · 10 comments

I would like to contribute with a Portuguese translation.

I created the files for you. For information on how to translate see

Thank you so much! I'll start as soon as possible!

fraga commented

This is PT - do you need to add one for Portuguese brazil? (pt-br)

I'm brazillian. I didn't want to bother asking to relabel it as pt-br, but the files I have translated are pt-br. I didn't do much yet (I was waiting the end of the semester to get some free time), but all help is welcome.

fraga commented

How much far have you gone? Add the pull request I will add what I
have and hopefully it will be done :)

fraga commented

@ArneVogel gettext does require pt and pt-br separation do you mind adding also for pt-br?

@fraga I did the first seven files, from which you also have done five. So, not much, I'll do the pr, and try to help if there's still something to do.

fraga commented

Perfect @LucasGenova we start with this and gradually fix broken translations

@ArneVogel gettext does require pt and pt-br separation do you mind adding also for pt-br?

The library I am using for translations does not by default support language codes like that. How different is portugese from portuguese brazil?

@ArneVogel gettext does require pt and pt-br separation do you mind adding also for pt-br?

The library I am using for translations does not by default support language codes like that. How different is portugese from portuguese brazil?

I was waiting @fraga to answer that, but the main differences are in the pronunciation (which are not relevant here). There are also some differences in vocabulary and in the used of verbs. In the case of listudy the pt-br translation should still be totally intelligible to them. I tend to see both translations, but if that's complicated to add, I don't think it I'll be a problem to have just one.