
Login & consentprovider for Hydra written in Go

Primary LanguageGo

Hydra login/consent provider in GO

NB: this application is new and has some raw edges

This is an Hydra Login Consent node written in GO (https://github.com/ory/hydra-login-consent-node). It uses the Hydra SDK for now.

Supported authentication sources are:

  • builtin authentication (intended for quick test cycles)
  • active directory authentication


Docker: arnosen/loginprovider-0.0.2

Running the application

To run the prebuild application:

$ bin/loginprovider

To compile yourself:

$ cd cmd/loginprovider
$ go build


For configuration, both config files can be used or you can use environment variables. Config files are looked for either in /etc or ./etc and should be named loginprovider.yml

A sample configuration file can be found cmd/loginprovider/etc.

Sensible defaults have been pre-defined.

To verfify what paramters loginprovider has read, run:

$ bin/loginprovider show-config

The following environment variables are supported:

  • LP_PRIVATEKEYLOCATION: filepath for the private key
  • LP_CERTLOCATION: filepath for the cert
  • LP_PORT: listing port for the service
  • LP_AUTHMODE: ad|builtin
  • LP_BUILTINUSER: set the builtin username
  • LP_BUILTINPASSWORD: set the builtin password
  • LP_PREFILLBUILTINCREDENTIALS: if true, the username and password are prefilled in the login form
  • LP_HYDRAADMINHOST: hydra admin host (so not the public host)
  • LP_HYDRAADMINPORT: hydra admin port
  • LP_SKIPSSLCHECK: if true, the Hydra certificate is not checked for validity
  • LP_ADDOMAINCONTROLLERS: list of domain controllers seperated by spaces
  • LP_ADDOMAIN: name of the domain, e.g. mydomain.company.com
  • LP_ADPORT: active directory port to use. Only LDAPs ports are supported