
Node.js library for the AroFlo API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AroFlo logo Node.js Library

The AroFlo Node library provides convenient access to the AroFlo API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.


You can access the AroFlo API documentation at

Please note that this API Library is still under active development and is subject to change over time.



npm install aroflo-node


yarn add aroflo-node


The package needs to be configured with your AroFlo Extended API credentials.

const AroFlo = require('aroflo-node');
const aroflo = new AroFlo({
    publicPersonalToken: "YOUR_PUBLIC_PERSONAL_TOKEN"
    , secretSigningKey: "YOUR_SECRET_SIGNING_KEY"

Or using ES modules, this looks more like:

import AroFlo from 'aroflo-node';
const aroflo = new AroFlo({
    publicPersonalToken: "YOUR_PUBLIC_PERSONAL_TOKEN"
    , secretSigningKey: "YOUR_SECRET_SIGNING_KEY"

Using Promises

Every method returns a chainable promise which can be used instead of a regular callback:

const aroflo = require('aroflo-node')({
    publicPersonalToken: "YOUR_PUBLIC_PERSONAL_TOKEN"
    , secretSigningKey: "YOUR_SECRET_SIGNING_KEY"

// Create a new message board post:
        expiry: {
            from: "2021-01-01",
            until: "2021-01-31"
    .then((messages) => {
        // list of messages
    .catch((err) => {
        // Deal with an error

Using async/await

On versions of Node.js since to v7.9:

const aroflo = require('aroflo-node')({
    publicPersonalKey: "YOUR_PUBLIC_PERSONAL_KEY"
    , secretSigningKey: "YOUR_SECRET_SIGNING_KEY"

const response = await aroflo.messageBoard
    	  expiry: {
          from: "2021-01-01",
          until: "2021-01-31"