
Add a way to generate strategics effectively (or not)

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Automatons are a tall faction that could struggle with strategics ouput.
I was thinking of a building that could give strategics based on stored industry.
Obviously this would have to be done with great care, as this could lead to an extremely quick wonder victory.

At about turn 40 of playing peaceful, I have (after removing some bugs from the calculation), achieved about 10k stored ind on 2 systems, with a third system at about 4k.
Developping my industrial capabilities further would lead to a very easily meeting the requirements for the 3 Obelisks industry (10k, 15k, 20k).

The reason why I'm concerned abut strategics despite the easy victory that could be brought about by an extra influx, is for warfare.

If the issue only concerns warfare however, in that case boosting the ships themselves separately might be the best thing to do instead of boosting strategic output.
So long you only level up a few systems, there's no big issue with strategics, but it might also be that i was lucky this game.