Hand Gesture Control using Python 🖐️👋

This Python program utilizes computer vision and keyboard control to interpret hand gestures and perform corresponding actions. It uses the cv2 library for image processing, the cvzone module for hand tracking, and the pynput library for keyboard control.

Requirements 🛠️

  • Python 3.x
  • OpenCV (cv2)
  • cvzone (HandTrackingModule)
  • pynput

Usage 🚀

  1. Install the required libraries:

    pip install opencv-python pynput
    pip install cvzone

How it works 🤔

The program captures video input from the default camera, tracks hand gestures using the HandDetector from cvzone, and maps these gestures to keyboard commands using the pynput library.

✋ If all fingers are closed, the program simulates pressing the Left Arrow key to move left. 🖐️ If all fingers are open, the program simulates pressing the Right Arrow key to move right.

Customization 🎨

You can customize the gesture-to-action mapping by modifying the fingers list based on your preference.

Acknowledgments 🙌

This project was created with the help of the cvzone and pynput libraries.