

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Live Updates that need to be completed first:

  • Look into a fix for duplicate Chat Announcements from chat handlers when using certain addons.
  • Update slash commands to require reloadui and don't have menu functions nil out commands for compatibility with other addons that may add the same/similar/expanded functionality.
  • Too little too late but fix the anniversary cake to summon the 2020 version.
  • Update anniversary cake icon since they changed it between PTS and Live.
  • Default ability tooltips need to show in the Active Effects Window (check both Keyboard and Gamepad UI) - it works on Buffs & Debuffs mouseover but not in Active Effects.

Post Greymoor / PTS:

  • Note here so I don't forget - increment version number on LMP!
  • Critters now have 1 hp instead of 7 hp, change unitFrames to convert 1 hp units to "critter" tags.
  • Player Ability Pass
  • Vampire Ability Pass
  • Werewolf Ability Pass
  • Did they update the Vampire questline finally?
  • Framework for backbar tracking Bar Highlights - pass currently active auras to SlotNum[# + some number] on weapon swap / check to see if other bar slots actually exist in the API while on your other bar. This will at least fix the issue I introduced with abilities that can track multiple ids.


  • Create personal debug function for my accounts to display "Hidden" auras in another chat tab, so I can see if I can remove "hide = true" from certain things.