
Objective Capture Meter

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
In Cyrodiil, when capturing a resource the objective capture meter outline and fill appear offset from each other.

To Reproduce
Go to Cyrodiil and attempt to capture a resource.
The meter appears as shown in the screenshot.
In this screenshot, the meter has been moved from the default location (not clear if that is the cause).

Expected behavior
The outline and fill should be in the same location.

Lua Error


Other installed AddOns
In order to test his bug, I have disabled all other addons, and restarted the client. In the screenshot LuiExentended is the only addon running.

Ah that's interesting, not sure why the fill isn't aligned to the parent. I should be able to reanchor it specifically when it's moved, taking a look.

Alright, fixed on the GitHub build. I might try to do an update within a couple days here or so.