
Interrupt Alert Not Appearing

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
The Interrupt alert does not appear in the action area.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior (please be as specific as possible):

  1. Fight any mob that has an interruptable ability.
    The example I have been using is the Nix-Hound with it's Leech ability.

Expected behavior
The option to "Interrupt" should appear but does not.

Lua Error
No error (or I don't know how to find it)

When I changed the tag to "Avoid" as true here then we see the expected result.

However, when we have the standard "Interrupt" there is no alert.

Other installed AddOns
AlphaGear 2
Combat Metrics

I am looking through the code but I'm not familiar enough with the calls to see the issue yet. I will keep looking and if I find the answer, then I will post a follow up with what I did to fix.

Thanks for the great addon!

An update to the post. I changed the tag to "shouldusecc = true".

Then I got an expected result. It seems to be evaluating the "interrupt" variable as false regardless of what is set.


Okay, I figured out what was happening.
The variable "stringInterrupt" was being overridden by the "shouldusecc" if statement.

I added a string called "stringShouldCC" to prevent the overriding of values for "stringInterrupt".

I am attaching the updated LUA if you feel it is completed.

Thanks again for the great add on. I really enjoy it.

Here is the confirmation that it is now working as intended.

Wow what a silly oversight on my part. Thanks for taking the time to dig into this for me!

The idea with the hard cc string replacing the interrupt string is you'd never need both so it displays as either one or the other, so I'm just gonna use an if/elseif/else statement to fix it.

Yes, this makes more sense. I didn't have a hard cc mob to test on so it would have been a while before I noticed both popping up XD.
Either way, appreciate the addon as it is very very good since I'm playing a tanking role. I'm just glad I could be useful!