
Combat Info - Alerts Refactor

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Refactor Combat Alerts handling:

  • Priority System update:
  • 7 = OVERLAND - Normal NPC
  • 6 = OVERLAND - Elite NPC
  • 5 = DUNGEON - Normal Dungeon Trash
  • 4 = DUNGEON - Veteran Dungeon Trash
  • 3 = DUNGEON - Normal Elite / Normal Arena Trash
  • 2 = DUNGEON - Veteran Elite / Veteran Arena Trash
  • 1 = Boss NPC (Normal/Vet)
  • Role Specific Notifications:
  • Tank Specific Alerts
  • Healer Specific Alerts
  • Option to display either one of these when solo.
  • Modular Design
  • Alert Table is loaded by zoneId for Dungeons
  • Not exactly sure how to handle overland but we need to load World Bosses for each zone at least
  • Maybe we just drop normal alerts for Overland zones, not sure
  • Add Reflect Mitigation Method